Solar Power and Smart Homes: The Future of Home Automation
The modern era has seen unprecedented advancements in Smart home technology. Now, it’s not uncommon to simply ask Cortana, Siri, or Alexa to switch off the lights in your living room. And, with the evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Solar Power Management Systems, as well as advancements in home automation technology, our homes are poised to become even smarter.
Can solar power technology integrate into Smart home technology?
The answer to this is simple: yes. Smart home technology is slowly seeing the integration of solar technology in efforts to reduce the global carbon footprint and create further convenience in the home. With climate change and the global green movement moving homeowners to more eco-friendly ways of living, we’re seeing solar power technology integrated into Smart homes in the following ways:
1. Smart Inverters
Smart Inverters convert Direct Current (DC) into Alternating Current (AC) and autonomously integrate solar energy into the electric grid. Some Smart solar inverters such as the Smart Zelio Wifi inverter can integrate with Smart homes through a mobile app which informs the user on backup power duration and how much load is being run through the inverter.
2. Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Systems
Electric Vehicles (EVs) use solar power to make the Smart home a green energy hub. As in the case of Honda’s home energy-management system, these charging systems can charge your vehicle while you enjoy your favorite TV series in your living room.
3. Online Solar Monitoring System
An inverter monitoring app is used to monitor how much energy is being generated by solar panels. This enables the homeowner to know how many appliances to use at one time, given the amount of energy being generated. Online monitoring further helps identify any high-energy appliance accidentally left on.
4. Smart Thermostats
These thermostats use Smart technology to detect when homeowners have left the house and adjust the temperature to an energy-setting while they’re away. With preferred temperature settings inputted, the thermostat readjusts the temperature (while tapping into solar power) back to the preferred temperature when homeowners return to the home.
Solar Power and Smart Homes: What’s Next?
It’s important to note that current solar power systems cannot be controlled through a smart home hub. This is because current smart inverters cannot directly communicate with mobile apps. But future solar power technologies and Smart home integrations could allow such functionalities.
That being said, there are several possible future integrations between solar power technology and Smart homes:
1. Built-In App Smart Inverters
Smart inverters with pre-installed apps will enable automatic communication with mobile apps. Smart inverters generate excess solar power and send a signal via the mobile app to the appliance or device, which then turns on and commences functioning.
2. Artificial Intelligence in Smart sensors
Machine Learning is soon to be integrated into the Smart motion detector sensors. These sensors learn lighting and temperature preferences as well as allow for energy generation of solar power systems at different times of the day.
3. Smart Solar Battery Storage
These devices store excess power when excess is generated. These batteries are weather-sensitive, with built-in apps assessing favourable weather conditions suitable for certain functioning. This technology ensures that high energy-intensive devices are only used when adequate solar generation is available.
4. Smart EVSE
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (ESVE) communicates with Smart inverters and Smart battery storage systems to allow parked vehicles to charge when sufficient solar power is available.
The Future of Home Automation Is Here
The integration of solar power into Smart home technology is becoming more and more popular within the home automation industry. From Smart solar inverters to Smart refrigerators with built-in apps already possible, it’s clear that in the not too distant future, we will see devices and appliances automatically communicating with each other whilst maintaining solar energy consumption to optimal levels – all with little or no human influence or command.